Final Video Reflection


One valuable take away I learned this year is how to properly use the new editing software. With extensive help from Mr. Cooper, I was able to understand and learn how to use Adobe Premier, and the help from my fellow peers was very crucial to my understanding of Adobe Premier. Knowing how to use Adobe Premier properly is crucial to my career in e-Comm due to how we heavily rely on it in class. Along the way, I struggled with rendering and importing the project properly, but I was able to figure that out with the help of Mr. Cooper and my Peers.


A valuable take away from the collaboration field was working with people I didn't necessarily get along but being able to set aside differences to complete a project and get it done correctly. When I was paired with someone I didn't get along with, we first butted heads with ideas and getting started, but we both realized that if we wanted to get this project done, we had to set aside our differences and get finished. When we head out into the real world, we will work with people that we don't agree with, but complaining and arguing will not get you anywhere. Throughout the way, we had harsh exchanges of words and fought a lot, but we were able to resolve our conflict and complete our project.


Another great valuable take away is realizing that a project cannot be completed unless you communicate. Near the beginning of 2nd semester, our groups struggled with communication, always forgetting to contact one another, or just not giving out directions, but once we realized we were getting nowhere, we started making schedules that were very beneficial. Lack of communication really damaged our projects. Although we had a lack of communication, we fixed our mistakes and got right back on track.

Project Management

I learned that keeping track of time is very useful to completing a project. At the beginning of the year I struggled staying on top of due dates and keeping track of my projects. I was able to keep my projects in one folder and personally ask for the due date and place it on my schedule and that helped me complete my project.


E-comm truly helped me become a leader and develop the skills I had as a leader. In most of my projects, I was the leader, and that helped with team building, making tough decisions, and working with people. As a leader, I ran into some problems, such as working with different people from different backgrounds, which really helped me become a better and stronger leader.

Strengths and Weaknesses

My greatest strength in the class is being easy to work with and understand people, and I'm known to have a great motivation to finish and complete filming. My greatest weakness is struggling with editing and getting that motivation to finish and I'm easily distracted, all due to me.


As this is wrapping up, I have found that my time in E-comm has been very useful and helpful, and helped me become a better student overall.


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